I love coral for summer. I am obsessed right now, I even bought a coral tee and a coral hoodie yesterday. So this is what brought me to coral nailpolish. I really wanted a nice coral last summer, and I thought I wanted something less pink (I'm not a huge pink person). So I got OPI on Collins ave, which is a very red, relatively dark coral, as you can see. I still really like this colour, but as coral became more prevalent this
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
What I love - essie nail polish.
Monday, July 26, 2010
work clothes and void-filling.
Dear god what is wrong with me? Today I got up, got dressed, stopped for coffee, drove to school, paid 5 dollars for parking, and walked to my class before realizing that my class was in fact cancelled. seriously, I'm a tool. So I worked in the library for a bit. After that, I filled the time I normally would have used calling home (because clearly this is scheduled into my daily plan) to shop. see, I have realized now that I need to call everyday so that I don't do this. So my intention was to get some tops for work and some moisturizer. So I went into Jacob, and tried on just about everything in the store, and it all looked horrible. I don't know what was wrong with me today. So anyway I got all upset and discouraged so I went to Aritzia and bought a hoodie to get my fix. Seriously? I am so retarded. In all fairness, though, it was only $20 and is the most gorgeous shade of coral I have ever seen. So its not so bad, really. But I also got a boyfriend v-neck in a similar colour. ahhh what is wrong with me? BUT it was only $15, so again, not so bad.and I did get proper moisturizer, so hopefully that will help with the giant zit that is my face right now. The sunburn on my nose/cheeks/forehead made my skin all dry, and then it broke out, and now it is all dry and it is zitty and really just a mess.
So I did something really silly today. I went shopping in a dress. I hate it when I do this! its so hard to try clothes on like that! so I ended up asking the SA at aritzia to bring me a pair of jeans (specifically the acne darkwash highwaisted skinnies) so that I'd have something to try my stuff on with. this was a mistake, because there is no way that I can afford these jeans ($265) but every way that I can justify why I should have them (please go try them on. they are incredible.)
I'm pretty sure these are them. I love them, they felt like magic, and they are SO LONG which I love because then you can have a really long cuff ( I know this is weird, but I like it.)
But on the plus side, everywhere I went, people were commenting on what I was wearing. I took a picture of it before I left the house this morning, but its in my too small mirror with my cell-phone, so I will retake it later. but for the record I was wearing...
1) community dress- I don't know what its called but i'll describe it. Its cotton viscose lycra blend and its the palest blue-grey. It has a cute little skirt that starts at the natural waist and falls mid thigh, and the top has spaghetti straps (ew, I hate that term) and this sort of faux-boning structure to the body. it is AMAZING.
2) sperry topsiders - I bought them for $10 at the shoe company last summer. love them.
3) 1 inch caramel leather belt - this came out of my mom's closet abot 15 years ago, and is guess, i think. I wore it at the natural waist of the dress.
4) blue jacob cardigan - I would have rathered a jean jacket with this outfit, but I keep putting off buying one because I think I don't need it/can't find just the right one.
anyway, 2 SAs at aritzia and the girl at Sephora commented on it! particularly the dress, but really that dress is fantastic, so I'm not surprised. it is the perfect summer dress, because it is comfy and cool but still cute.
So I did something really silly today. I went shopping in a dress. I hate it when I do this! its so hard to try clothes on like that! so I ended up asking the SA at aritzia to bring me a pair of jeans (specifically the acne darkwash highwaisted skinnies) so that I'd have something to try my stuff on with. this was a mistake, because there is no way that I can afford these jeans ($265) but every way that I can justify why I should have them (please go try them on. they are incredible.)
I'm pretty sure these are them. I love them, they felt like magic, and they are SO LONG which I love because then you can have a really long cuff ( I know this is weird, but I like it.)
But on the plus side, everywhere I went, people were commenting on what I was wearing. I took a picture of it before I left the house this morning, but its in my too small mirror with my cell-phone, so I will retake it later. but for the record I was wearing...
1) community dress- I don't know what its called but i'll describe it. Its cotton viscose lycra blend and its the palest blue-grey. It has a cute little skirt that starts at the natural waist and falls mid thigh, and the top has spaghetti straps (ew, I hate that term) and this sort of faux-boning structure to the body. it is AMAZING.
2) sperry topsiders - I bought them for $10 at the shoe company last summer. love them.
3) 1 inch caramel leather belt - this came out of my mom's closet abot 15 years ago, and is guess, i think. I wore it at the natural waist of the dress.
4) blue jacob cardigan - I would have rathered a jean jacket with this outfit, but I keep putting off buying one because I think I don't need it/can't find just the right one.
anyway, 2 SAs at aritzia and the girl at Sephora commented on it! particularly the dress, but really that dress is fantastic, so I'm not surprised. it is the perfect summer dress, because it is comfy and cool but still cute.
OK, onto the moisturizer. I bought:
Biotherm's aquasource biosensitive. I have super sensitive skin which gets all bumpy and gross and dry and just yucky really easily, so the girl recommended this. I'm gonna try it out and see how it goes. If I don't like it she told me to just return it, which I love! To be honest, I'm not huge on using moisturizer (so bad I know) and but my makeup hasn't been right lately because of my lack of moisturizer, and the one I was using is way too heavy for me, so I'll give this a shot, and I'll do a review of it once I've been using it for a while!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Talking more.
After reading other people's conversations, and thinking about my brother a bit more, I thought of something I wanted to share. My brother has an incredible sense of humour. He can be a little too sarcastic at times, and he often borders on rude or offensive, but it has never ceased to amaze me how funny he can be, even from an early age.
When I first started highschool, and E was 8, I came home one day to tell my mom something I had learned that day about a friend, while E was in the room.
K: Mom, did you know that Jane* has a short-term memory problem?
E: I'm surprised she remembered to tell you.
pretty good for 8, right?
Another anecdote I wanted to share with you all is not really mine to tell, but I do anyways. My mom's best friend L is the happiest, funniest, bubbliest person I know. Her first 2 children were models of perfection. However her third child, A, was the opposite of the first two. She was dark and serious and had no sense of humour. The following took place as L and her daughter A were driving up to their house when A was about 2.
L: Wow, this is a nice house! I wonder whose it is? They must be very lucky!
(you know the typical sort of game you would play with a 2 year old)
A: This is our house, you idiop.
I don't know why we all think this is so funny, but this story seems to get told time and time again. I should probably also mention that the same child also once yelled across the school playground at another little boy "You need a prostitute!" as her mother looked on in horror. Although we later discovered this to be a quote from a movie (although which film it is has slipped my mind).
I love children, they say such funny things sometimes.
*name was changed.
When I first started highschool, and E was 8, I came home one day to tell my mom something I had learned that day about a friend, while E was in the room.
K: Mom, did you know that Jane* has a short-term memory problem?
E: I'm surprised she remembered to tell you.
pretty good for 8, right?
Another anecdote I wanted to share with you all is not really mine to tell, but I do anyways. My mom's best friend L is the happiest, funniest, bubbliest person I know. Her first 2 children were models of perfection. However her third child, A, was the opposite of the first two. She was dark and serious and had no sense of humour. The following took place as L and her daughter A were driving up to their house when A was about 2.
L: Wow, this is a nice house! I wonder whose it is? They must be very lucky!
(you know the typical sort of game you would play with a 2 year old)
A: This is our house, you idiop.
I don't know why we all think this is so funny, but this story seems to get told time and time again. I should probably also mention that the same child also once yelled across the school playground at another little boy "You need a prostitute!" as her mother looked on in horror. Although we later discovered this to be a quote from a movie (although which film it is has slipped my mind).
I love children, they say such funny things sometimes.
*name was changed.
Now I think I've made it quite clear that I'm particularly fond of fashion blogs. But the thing about that is, I tend to read the ones with more personal styles. I like ones that are a little less read, where the bloggers aren't constantly being sent clothes by important designers. Not to say that I don't read all kinds, but these are the ones I especially like. Now, having said that, there is the odd blog that I read and LOVE that has little to do with fashion, and is almost entirely about some one's life. One of my all-time favourites is Not Your Average Teen. She has such great perspective, in my opinion. She hosts something called Conversational Sunday, and now that I'm blogging, and now that there is a button for it, I figured I'd do it rather than just reading it!

This week has been...interesting. To say the least. I've had a lot of conversations about the future...where I'm going to live, where I'll work, what I'll do, and the future of my relationship, just to name a few. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little bit overwhelmed by all of this (cue me not getting out of bed for 3 days). So I figured i'd rather talk about a series of conversations that have a more light-hearted appeal.
My boyfriend has a 2 year old sister. I know this seems really weird, but I don`t feel like getting into the semantics of it right now, so we`ll just leave it at that. anyway, when we were at his parents house on friday night, the two of them were playing on the trampoline. my boyfriend (C) somehow managed to get a pine needle in his eye, and in true C form, panicked. As I tried to get it out, his sister (R) looked on in serious concern (hilarious, coming from a 2 year old).
C: Get a fork, its stuck just go get a fork!
I used my nail. it was out in less than 30 seconds. drama queen. the two of them go back to playing. R puts her hand down, and a pine needle pricks her finger. She looks at her hand with concern, and turns to her mom.
R: mum, I gotta needle. Get a fork mum, get a fork.
hahahahahahaha I couldn`t believe she heard that and then aped it. Silly girl. Early this week, we had gone down there to bring her a Cowboy hat we had bought for her at the stampede. We put that hat on her, and she looks around in concern.
R: I need a rope!
Later on, she puts the hat on, and finds the dog`s leash to use as her rope. then she looks at me.
R: I need a Cow!
That kid brightens my day. no matter how horrible things are, she seems to be able to cheer me up every time.
Here is a look at a series of conversations that took place between me and my brother (and mom, about my brother) this week. Its pretty long, but it was really cathartic for me to write it.
So I have a little brother. He is nearly 5 years younger than me, so our relationship has not always been typical. I am bossy and controlling, so you can imagine what that poor child was subjected to growing up. But the thing about my brother (E) is that if you don't know him, he seems all cool and laid back and generally gives of the feeling that he doesn't care about anything at all. but SECRETLY he is almost as neurotic as I am. Scary, i know, there being two of us in one household and all. that kid is born to lead, and damn does he want to. But not in the typically overt way you might expect, he was more the kid whispering in the other kids' ears to get them to do his dirty work. His greatest talent is pushing my buttons, and as my mother will tell you, I have a lot of them. most people say that kids farther apart in age get along better, but this was definitely not the case for me and E.
The best thing that ever happened to E and I was me leaving home. Since then we are not as close as we were when we were younger, per se, but we get along SO much better. E hates to talk about...well pretty much anything (my boyfriend does not understand him AT ALL), but in the past couple years I've actually had some really decent conversations with him (on the phone of all places!), and he has started to kind of trust that I'm not going to tell my mom every single thing he tells me in confidence. And really, who can blame him. My mom and I have given him so little personal space that we now realize we know almost nothing about his personal life. Ok, so this leads me to this week.
I call home every day. And lately, my mom hasn't been home as much, and E has been home more, so I've had more conversations with him this week than I probably did all year. They were light-hearted, mostly, and a lot of small talk about work and friends, but still, it was nice. I asked him about his plans for the week, and he told me he intended to drive across the border to go shopping (seriously? I am still in shock). Now, this is where things get weird, or funny, to me. Each time I talked to E after that intial conversation, the group of people he was going to the states with changed, including at one point to a kid that we all knew was having ACL surgery that day. My mom and I convened on this topic midway through the week and although we both were slightly confused, this wasn't out of character for E, so we pretty much ignored it.
So saturday rolls around, and E asks my mom if he can take her car to go to the states. My mom then insists on knowing who he is taking with him, out of safety's sake (he is still 17, after all). His answer: a Girl. what?!?! I am still in shock. My mom was relieved because the girl he took is very responsible, but I was just surprised. This particular girl was E's worst enemy through elementary school, so this contributed to my reaction. What was even more surprising? that was the ONLY person he went with. OH MY GOD. My mom (and I, until I moved) have been very...present in E's life, and my mom has an insider view on his social life (I won't say how, for fear of revealing too much personal information), so to the best of our knowledge E has never had a girlfriend, or even female friendships, really. Ok, this is where it gets completely over the top. My mom tells me that, not only did E go shopping with a girl, but my brother (the same one who sat on a bench and played on his phone for 2 hours while the rest of us shopped in California) allowed said girl to drag him into COACH. really? I'm actually kind of insulted, he usually throws a mini hissy fit when we try to take him in there.
So last night, when he was back from his little trip, I happened to catch him on the way out the door, when calling to look for my mom (yes, that was the 3rd call that day). I must say, that it took EVERYTHING inside of me not to mention it, or harrass him about it. But I realize that if I have any hope of keeping in touch with him and having a personal relationship with him once he goes to school in september, I have to bite my tongue. I've spent a long time trying to mend the past and improve our relationship for the future, I have to quit my gossipy tendencies and allow him some privacy so that he will tell me things he might not have otherwise, and so that he can feel like he can confide in me without my mom finding out.
Its nice that E and I are getting to a place in our friendship, or siblingship, where we can be friends, and I'm really looking forward to the future of that, because its been such a long time coming.
THATS my conversation sunday, sorry for the circumlocutiousness of it!
This week has been...interesting. To say the least. I've had a lot of conversations about the future...where I'm going to live, where I'll work, what I'll do, and the future of my relationship, just to name a few. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little bit overwhelmed by all of this (cue me not getting out of bed for 3 days). So I figured i'd rather talk about a series of conversations that have a more light-hearted appeal.
My boyfriend has a 2 year old sister. I know this seems really weird, but I don`t feel like getting into the semantics of it right now, so we`ll just leave it at that. anyway, when we were at his parents house on friday night, the two of them were playing on the trampoline. my boyfriend (C) somehow managed to get a pine needle in his eye, and in true C form, panicked. As I tried to get it out, his sister (R) looked on in serious concern (hilarious, coming from a 2 year old).
C: Get a fork, its stuck just go get a fork!
I used my nail. it was out in less than 30 seconds. drama queen. the two of them go back to playing. R puts her hand down, and a pine needle pricks her finger. She looks at her hand with concern, and turns to her mom.
R: mum, I gotta needle. Get a fork mum, get a fork.
hahahahahahaha I couldn`t believe she heard that and then aped it. Silly girl. Early this week, we had gone down there to bring her a Cowboy hat we had bought for her at the stampede. We put that hat on her, and she looks around in concern.
R: I need a rope!
Later on, she puts the hat on, and finds the dog`s leash to use as her rope. then she looks at me.
R: I need a Cow!
That kid brightens my day. no matter how horrible things are, she seems to be able to cheer me up every time.
Here is a look at a series of conversations that took place between me and my brother (and mom, about my brother) this week. Its pretty long, but it was really cathartic for me to write it.
So I have a little brother. He is nearly 5 years younger than me, so our relationship has not always been typical. I am bossy and controlling, so you can imagine what that poor child was subjected to growing up. But the thing about my brother (E) is that if you don't know him, he seems all cool and laid back and generally gives of the feeling that he doesn't care about anything at all. but SECRETLY he is almost as neurotic as I am. Scary, i know, there being two of us in one household and all. that kid is born to lead, and damn does he want to. But not in the typically overt way you might expect, he was more the kid whispering in the other kids' ears to get them to do his dirty work. His greatest talent is pushing my buttons, and as my mother will tell you, I have a lot of them. most people say that kids farther apart in age get along better, but this was definitely not the case for me and E.
The best thing that ever happened to E and I was me leaving home. Since then we are not as close as we were when we were younger, per se, but we get along SO much better. E hates to talk about...well pretty much anything (my boyfriend does not understand him AT ALL), but in the past couple years I've actually had some really decent conversations with him (on the phone of all places!), and he has started to kind of trust that I'm not going to tell my mom every single thing he tells me in confidence. And really, who can blame him. My mom and I have given him so little personal space that we now realize we know almost nothing about his personal life. Ok, so this leads me to this week.
I call home every day. And lately, my mom hasn't been home as much, and E has been home more, so I've had more conversations with him this week than I probably did all year. They were light-hearted, mostly, and a lot of small talk about work and friends, but still, it was nice. I asked him about his plans for the week, and he told me he intended to drive across the border to go shopping (seriously? I am still in shock). Now, this is where things get weird, or funny, to me. Each time I talked to E after that intial conversation, the group of people he was going to the states with changed, including at one point to a kid that we all knew was having ACL surgery that day. My mom and I convened on this topic midway through the week and although we both were slightly confused, this wasn't out of character for E, so we pretty much ignored it.
So saturday rolls around, and E asks my mom if he can take her car to go to the states. My mom then insists on knowing who he is taking with him, out of safety's sake (he is still 17, after all). His answer: a Girl. what?!?! I am still in shock. My mom was relieved because the girl he took is very responsible, but I was just surprised. This particular girl was E's worst enemy through elementary school, so this contributed to my reaction. What was even more surprising? that was the ONLY person he went with. OH MY GOD. My mom (and I, until I moved) have been very...present in E's life, and my mom has an insider view on his social life (I won't say how, for fear of revealing too much personal information), so to the best of our knowledge E has never had a girlfriend, or even female friendships, really. Ok, this is where it gets completely over the top. My mom tells me that, not only did E go shopping with a girl, but my brother (the same one who sat on a bench and played on his phone for 2 hours while the rest of us shopped in California) allowed said girl to drag him into COACH. really? I'm actually kind of insulted, he usually throws a mini hissy fit when we try to take him in there.
So last night, when he was back from his little trip, I happened to catch him on the way out the door, when calling to look for my mom (yes, that was the 3rd call that day). I must say, that it took EVERYTHING inside of me not to mention it, or harrass him about it. But I realize that if I have any hope of keeping in touch with him and having a personal relationship with him once he goes to school in september, I have to bite my tongue. I've spent a long time trying to mend the past and improve our relationship for the future, I have to quit my gossipy tendencies and allow him some privacy so that he will tell me things he might not have otherwise, and so that he can feel like he can confide in me without my mom finding out.
Its nice that E and I are getting to a place in our friendship, or siblingship, where we can be friends, and I'm really looking forward to the future of that, because its been such a long time coming.
THATS my conversation sunday, sorry for the circumlocutiousness of it!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
who doesn't love dogs?
Ok. I used to not love dogs. I was mostly just afraid of them because I didn't really understand them. Then when I was 18 my brother and I FINALLY persuaded my mom (my dad clearly had no say in the matter) to get one, and thats how we ended up with our lovely little westie, sophie (she is on the left). Then this summer, my brother made the decision to leave home for university, and thus he was replaced (HAHA) by this cute little rescue pup named mac. he used to be named milky (seriously?) but we changed it because...well because his name was milky. Sophie will be 5 in October, and we think Mac is 7, but we aren't entirely sure.
The dogs are sitting in my brothers go-kart. I know, don't ask,
The thing about westies is that if you have one, or have ever had one, you become obsessed. they are the COOLEST dogs. they are all cute and cuddly and fluffy like a little lap dog but they have this awesome personality thats like a big dog. they even have hilarious facial expressions! (the westie head tilt!) So the wife of the guy that does professional photography for my brother's racing loves westies so she "borrowed" (more like hijacked, from the sounds of it) her husbands camera for an hour a couple of weekends ago to take some pictures of the dogs. He objected, so the dogs were put into the cart so that she could claim it was "legit" (my mom bought a print, so clearly it was haha) anyway, this is the first decent picture I've seen of the two of them. We were really worried that sophie couldn't handle another dog in the house, but Sophie and Mac have become best friends! everytime I think of them I start humming "people let me tell you 'bout my best friend...", because thats what they are like. I think my dad is a little sad about it though, because that used to be the theme song for sophie and dad. Anyway, I know this is a little off-topic, but I am obsessed with my doggies, so here they are!
I'm hungry, so I shopped.
Oh my god. I'm at work and I'm SO hungry. I can't go for lunch yet, so I did something terrible. I went to sephora.com. Why does online shopping always feel like I'm spending pretend money? this is terrible. Anyway, I ordered the Sun Safety kit, which is on sale from $25 to $10. I will talk more about it and do a little review of the products once it comes. In the mean time, can we please talk about the ridiculous cost to ship almost ANYTHING in Canada? its ridiculous. Sephora's shipping charge was $10, and thats pretty mild in comparison to many sites. Ok, so here are some of the alternatives I've discovered over the years. I realize that there are many more out there, but these are the ones I have figured out, and I love finding out about more!
1) American P.O. Boxes. - This only works if you live close to the border. When I am in Calgary, this is essentially useless. BUT my mom is a shoeaholic, and loves to order from DSW, which only ships to the US. So, she bought a P.O. box just across the border, and we have things shipped there.
Positives - oh the possibilities! everyone ships to the U.S! You can order whatever your little heart desires! you dont' have to pay ludicrous Canadian shipping charges!
Negatives - Ok, maybe this isn't the best option. You obviously can't be running across the border every two days, or the government might start to think you are a drug smuggler, so you can only order evert so often. Also, because you have to pay for the P.O. box, you might not save all that much money in shipping. Also, you have to pay for gas to drive down there, and if you don't have a car, this adds even more problems.
2) Spending quotas. - Ok, this is a hard one for me, because I like to buy the odd little thing every once-in-a-while to cheer myself up, I don't do the whole big haul shopping spree thing. But, if you can try to save your orders until you want a whole bunch of things, then this is what you can do. Find websites that offer free shipping when you spend a certain amount. I know sephora and urban outfitters does this, among others.
Positives - You don't pay shipping costs, AND think about how much fun it is to open a HUGE package full of new clothes or beauty products! Its like a wardrobe rejuvenation!
Negatives - you have to spend a fair bit of money. You might end up with things you don't really want because you are trying to meet the free shipping amount. That can be wasteful.
3)Canadian websites. - Ok, again I struggle with this. BUT if you order something that is being shipped within Canada, the cost will be significantly less (likely). Canadian sites include ebay.ca amazon.ca, and strawberrynet.com, for a few. again, there are others, these are just a few.
Positives - You dont have to spend 3 times the amount of the item you are buying to ship it. And it usually comes a little faster because there are no issues dealing with customs and the such.
Negatives - Selection SUCKS. Thats all I have to say about that.
4) Suck it up. - this seems to be my go-to resolution (obviously). Just pay the money and order what it is you want.
Positives - You get what you want, you don't have to screw around trying to find it offered on a Canadian site or a site with free shipping.
Negatives - YOu have to wait for it to arrive (boo) and you have to spend more money than you want to.
Good luck with your online shopping!
1) American P.O. Boxes. - This only works if you live close to the border. When I am in Calgary, this is essentially useless. BUT my mom is a shoeaholic, and loves to order from DSW, which only ships to the US. So, she bought a P.O. box just across the border, and we have things shipped there.
Positives - oh the possibilities! everyone ships to the U.S! You can order whatever your little heart desires! you dont' have to pay ludicrous Canadian shipping charges!
Negatives - Ok, maybe this isn't the best option. You obviously can't be running across the border every two days, or the government might start to think you are a drug smuggler, so you can only order evert so often. Also, because you have to pay for the P.O. box, you might not save all that much money in shipping. Also, you have to pay for gas to drive down there, and if you don't have a car, this adds even more problems.
2) Spending quotas. - Ok, this is a hard one for me, because I like to buy the odd little thing every once-in-a-while to cheer myself up, I don't do the whole big haul shopping spree thing. But, if you can try to save your orders until you want a whole bunch of things, then this is what you can do. Find websites that offer free shipping when you spend a certain amount. I know sephora and urban outfitters does this, among others.
Positives - You don't pay shipping costs, AND think about how much fun it is to open a HUGE package full of new clothes or beauty products! Its like a wardrobe rejuvenation!
Negatives - you have to spend a fair bit of money. You might end up with things you don't really want because you are trying to meet the free shipping amount. That can be wasteful.
3)Canadian websites. - Ok, again I struggle with this. BUT if you order something that is being shipped within Canada, the cost will be significantly less (likely). Canadian sites include ebay.ca amazon.ca, and strawberrynet.com, for a few. again, there are others, these are just a few.
Positives - You dont have to spend 3 times the amount of the item you are buying to ship it. And it usually comes a little faster because there are no issues dealing with customs and the such.
Negatives - Selection SUCKS. Thats all I have to say about that.
4) Suck it up. - this seems to be my go-to resolution (obviously). Just pay the money and order what it is you want.
Positives - You get what you want, you don't have to screw around trying to find it offered on a Canadian site or a site with free shipping.
Negatives - YOu have to wait for it to arrive (boo) and you have to spend more money than you want to.
Good luck with your online shopping!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
My struggle with technology and my latest obsession.
I hate technology. I just switched from wordpress to blogger because I am an idiot when it comes to technology and i have a vague (VAGUE) understanding of blogger because I've used it for other blogs....and no understanding of wordpress. I literally just copy/paste'd some of my old posts over, so thats why they all seem to have come from the same day! I am so technologically inept it hurts.
Ok. I Am the kind of person who absolutely hates something when it first becomes stylish but then changes her mind when its basically too late to get into it. I usually do it anyway, I'm dumb like that.
SO anyway, I have these ridiculously freakishly small ankles, but I really want some fantastic gladiators that go up my ankles a bit. I am not a very big person, so i can't get away with really chunky/blingy/ridiculous ones. I kind of thought this whole gladiator thing was going to be pretty short lived, to tell you the truth, so I didn't buy into it at first. But now I've decided its something I'm willing to invest in. especially after the blister my havaianas left last week.
which brings me to this:
how great are his shoes? ok, I like his s/s 2010 hamiltons a fair bit, but what I've decided I really want are LAST YEARS Greco's. But can I find them anywhere? not a hope. Not even ebay has the answer to my prayers. I would pat big bucks for these now, if only they would mysteriously appear.
Ok. I Am the kind of person who absolutely hates something when it first becomes stylish but then changes her mind when its basically too late to get into it. I usually do it anyway, I'm dumb like that.
SO anyway, I have these ridiculously freakishly small ankles, but I really want some fantastic gladiators that go up my ankles a bit. I am not a very big person, so i can't get away with really chunky/blingy/ridiculous ones. I kind of thought this whole gladiator thing was going to be pretty short lived, to tell you the truth, so I didn't buy into it at first. But now I've decided its something I'm willing to invest in. especially after the blister my havaianas left last week.
which brings me to this:
how great are his shoes? ok, I like his s/s 2010 hamiltons a fair bit, but what I've decided I really want are LAST YEARS Greco's. But can I find them anywhere? not a hope. Not even ebay has the answer to my prayers. I would pat big bucks for these now, if only they would mysteriously appear.
What I Wore Today (The don't judge me edition)
What I wore today. Ugh, the weather here is HORRIBLE. There was a massive hail storm here yesterday, with pieces of hail LITERALLY the size of golfballs. I know people say that all the time, but I’m not kidding. It was on the national news, so you can look it up if you don’t believe me. Anyway, its been pouring rain ever since. I was doing laundry at my house last night, and I stupidly left every coat/everything with a hood at the boyfriend’s. TERRIBLE IDEA. So this morning I had to somehow get dressed for the awful weather with what I had at my place. This was a struggle. What I came up with was the following:
periwinkle blue longsleeve crewneck talula sweater. the one with the slight batwing. i can’t remember what its called.
dark wash current/elliott jeggings. I bought them at the aritzia private pre-sale, so no, I didn’t pay $250 for them…I paid about half that. Althought I love expensive designer jeans, I can’t really reasonably justify spending that much on them.
turqoise aldo flats. bought them on sale yesterday, because my favourite black ones got ruined in the terrible weather
ok, this was kind of a strange combo, but those were the only shoes I had with me (other than the ruined black ones), but this is where it gets REALLY weird. I went to leave, and even my Vancouverite rain tolerance could not tolerate that weather without a hood/sweater. I had NOTHING in my closet to suffice, except an old original fit TNA zip-up hoodie. In purple. With that sweater. how embarrassing.
Now normally I would have sucked it up, but the walk from my car to class today is long. So I wore the hoodie. and I took it off the MINUTE I was in the door. but still.
Thats what I wore today. Don’t judge, I know its terrible.
periwinkle blue longsleeve crewneck talula sweater. the one with the slight batwing. i can’t remember what its called.
dark wash current/elliott jeggings. I bought them at the aritzia private pre-sale, so no, I didn’t pay $250 for them…I paid about half that. Althought I love expensive designer jeans, I can’t really reasonably justify spending that much on them.
turqoise aldo flats. bought them on sale yesterday, because my favourite black ones got ruined in the terrible weather
ok, this was kind of a strange combo, but those were the only shoes I had with me (other than the ruined black ones), but this is where it gets REALLY weird. I went to leave, and even my Vancouverite rain tolerance could not tolerate that weather without a hood/sweater. I had NOTHING in my closet to suffice, except an old original fit TNA zip-up hoodie. In purple. With that sweater. how embarrassing.
Now normally I would have sucked it up, but the walk from my car to class today is long. So I wore the hoodie. and I took it off the MINUTE I was in the door. but still.
Thats what I wore today. Don’t judge, I know its terrible.
What's in Your Bag?

THIS is what is in my bag! sorry about the crappy cell-phone picture.
In case its not clear…this is what all that junk is!
1) the bag itself. Its some weird brand i’ve never heard of before, but I love this bag, and here is why: first, the leather is BEAUTIFUL. It is the softest most lovely natural leather ever. lovelovelove. Ok, second, it has these gorgeous silver buckles on the straps, which also keep it from wearing out. Fantastic. third, there are one million pockets. i need pockets, or else my life becomes a mess. truth. The bag is a dark chocolate brown, because you can’t really tell in the picture. The label says CNKW canada, if you’re curious. I’ll post a better picture of the bag by itself later.
2) Coach wallet. You can kind of see in the picture that it is turquoise inside. I LOVE that. I’m not particularly big on monogrammed bags/wallets…you know like when coach or louis vuitton or gucci or whoever puts their logo all over the bag like a pattern? I don’t like to advertise this sort of information, because I’m worried people will judge me.
3)burt’s bees lemon butter cuticle creme. If you have chronically dry hands, or live in a dry climate this stuff is GREAT. saves my life. I am a chronic cuticle-picker, so this really helps with that, too.
4) Essie nailpolish in california coral. I’ll talk more about this another time, but I love essie nail polish. I’ve been carrying it around in my purse because I keep meaning to get my nails done for the summer and forgetting.
5) Pens and a note pad. I love to write, so this is important for that, but I am also a chronic list-maker, so that makes it even more important!
6) hair elastic, bobby pin, and claw clip. I am terrible about my hair. I am always fidgeting with it or adjusting it. and it gets out of style SO easily. So each of these items is employed at different times to aid in this issue.
7) Advil. because the minute I stop carrying it in my purse I will get the worst headache ever. Also, I am trying to quit drinking coffee….caffeine withdrawal = worst headaches ever. advil helps this.
8)Crabtree & Evelyn La Source Hand Therapy. Smells like an old lady, and I love that (I am an old lady…you’ll see what I mean) also, my gramma gave this to me for my birthday. Its awesome because it really moisturizes your hands without being greasy. also really like the tube because it is a metal-type one (make sense?)
9) M.A.C. petting pink tinted lip conditioner. Has sunscreen in it. big plus. not sticky. big plus. tinted such a cute pink, and I don’t need a mirror to put it on. BIG plus.
10) M.A.C. Viva Glam II lipstick. Still not sure how I feel about this colour, its really neutral though, which I do like. I used to be obsessed with neutral lipstick shades. now I want a cute corally pink. This was the perfect neutral lipstick for me though. Love mac lipstick.
11)Sephora mirror. ’nuff said.
12)Keys. Obviously. please note the cute K key chain. I love that…I’m so weird.
13) USB stick. for school. kill me.
ALSO, I usually have rosebud salve in there too, but I’ve momentarily misplaced it. but I love that stuff, and its ALWAYS in there, so I figured I should mention it.
In case its not clear…this is what all that junk is!
1) the bag itself. Its some weird brand i’ve never heard of before, but I love this bag, and here is why: first, the leather is BEAUTIFUL. It is the softest most lovely natural leather ever. lovelovelove. Ok, second, it has these gorgeous silver buckles on the straps, which also keep it from wearing out. Fantastic. third, there are one million pockets. i need pockets, or else my life becomes a mess. truth. The bag is a dark chocolate brown, because you can’t really tell in the picture. The label says CNKW canada, if you’re curious. I’ll post a better picture of the bag by itself later.
2) Coach wallet. You can kind of see in the picture that it is turquoise inside. I LOVE that. I’m not particularly big on monogrammed bags/wallets…you know like when coach or louis vuitton or gucci or whoever puts their logo all over the bag like a pattern? I don’t like to advertise this sort of information, because I’m worried people will judge me.
3)burt’s bees lemon butter cuticle creme. If you have chronically dry hands, or live in a dry climate this stuff is GREAT. saves my life. I am a chronic cuticle-picker, so this really helps with that, too.
4) Essie nailpolish in california coral. I’ll talk more about this another time, but I love essie nail polish. I’ve been carrying it around in my purse because I keep meaning to get my nails done for the summer and forgetting.
5) Pens and a note pad. I love to write, so this is important for that, but I am also a chronic list-maker, so that makes it even more important!
6) hair elastic, bobby pin, and claw clip. I am terrible about my hair. I am always fidgeting with it or adjusting it. and it gets out of style SO easily. So each of these items is employed at different times to aid in this issue.
7) Advil. because the minute I stop carrying it in my purse I will get the worst headache ever. Also, I am trying to quit drinking coffee….caffeine withdrawal = worst headaches ever. advil helps this.
8)Crabtree & Evelyn La Source Hand Therapy. Smells like an old lady, and I love that (I am an old lady…you’ll see what I mean) also, my gramma gave this to me for my birthday. Its awesome because it really moisturizes your hands without being greasy. also really like the tube because it is a metal-type one (make sense?)
9) M.A.C. petting pink tinted lip conditioner. Has sunscreen in it. big plus. not sticky. big plus. tinted such a cute pink, and I don’t need a mirror to put it on. BIG plus.
10) M.A.C. Viva Glam II lipstick. Still not sure how I feel about this colour, its really neutral though, which I do like. I used to be obsessed with neutral lipstick shades. now I want a cute corally pink. This was the perfect neutral lipstick for me though. Love mac lipstick.
11)Sephora mirror. ’nuff said.
12)Keys. Obviously. please note the cute K key chain. I love that…I’m so weird.
13) USB stick. for school. kill me.
ALSO, I usually have rosebud salve in there too, but I’ve momentarily misplaced it. but I love that stuff, and its ALWAYS in there, so I figured I should mention it.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Few Things About Me.
So I thought it might be a good idea to talk a little bit about who I am (in terms of my personal style).
I would call myself a tomboy, per se, but I definitely….Ok, I’m kind of a tomboy. But I’m trying to change! I guess what I’m really trying to say if that I don’t really like those inherently girlie things, like tons of ruffles and flowers and pink and butterflies, that sort of stuff. You’ll see.
I am by no means the most stylish person in the world. thats kind of the whole point of this. I’m really just trying to figure it all out as I go. Again, you’ll see.
I have a problem with Aritzia. That is, no matter how hard I try not to, I can’t help shopping there. I spend A LOT of money in that store. I’d love to be able to buy similar things from other stores for less money, but again, I have no time to find that sort of thing. I have often caught myself in outfits of entirely aritzia purchases, I hate it, but I can’t help it.
Ok, I said I was a tomboy, but here is the thing. I am obsessed with my hair, and have lately become very obsessed with make-up lately, too. I am blondorexic, and all I really want in life is to have long blonde hair. This is a problem, because I decided this while I had short red hair. This is VERY difficult transition, I have learned, and I am not a very patient person. It’s shoulder length and not as blonde as I would like right now, in case you were wondering. Also, with really bad dark roots. rally bad. its embarrassing, really.
My grandmother had an obsession with shoes. My mother has an obsession with shoes. I have an obsession with shoes. This is not uncommon for women, I know, but I feel I need to get this out in the open. shoeaholics anonymous style. You will see that pretty much the only thing I have that is “Vintage” Is a pair of black leather Amalfi boots from my dad’s mom. They are probably 15-20 years old (we think) but its hard to say. Anyway, my mom took them when my oma died, but we recently realized they are a bit small for her, so she gave them to me. I love them, and I’m sure they will pop up in many of my pictures on here, especially as the winter rolls around.
I struggle to find decent shopping in Calgary. Vancouver has main st. and west 4th and robson(ugh) and all sorts of other lovely little secrets. The market for clothing stores is competitive. Calgary has NONE of this. there is like half a block of decent, kind of different clothing stores, and then the big malls. Thats it. If anyone reads this and knows of something I’m not seeing in Calgary, please tell me! I need help.
As a result of the above ^^, I am become less fashion-conscious. I hate this. hatehatehate. I really need help to stay in touch.
alright, this post is getting WAY too long! I’ll quit now, before this gets ridiculous.
I would call myself a tomboy, per se, but I definitely….Ok, I’m kind of a tomboy. But I’m trying to change! I guess what I’m really trying to say if that I don’t really like those inherently girlie things, like tons of ruffles and flowers and pink and butterflies, that sort of stuff. You’ll see.
I am by no means the most stylish person in the world. thats kind of the whole point of this. I’m really just trying to figure it all out as I go. Again, you’ll see.
I have a problem with Aritzia. That is, no matter how hard I try not to, I can’t help shopping there. I spend A LOT of money in that store. I’d love to be able to buy similar things from other stores for less money, but again, I have no time to find that sort of thing. I have often caught myself in outfits of entirely aritzia purchases, I hate it, but I can’t help it.
Ok, I said I was a tomboy, but here is the thing. I am obsessed with my hair, and have lately become very obsessed with make-up lately, too. I am blondorexic, and all I really want in life is to have long blonde hair. This is a problem, because I decided this while I had short red hair. This is VERY difficult transition, I have learned, and I am not a very patient person. It’s shoulder length and not as blonde as I would like right now, in case you were wondering. Also, with really bad dark roots. rally bad. its embarrassing, really.
My grandmother had an obsession with shoes. My mother has an obsession with shoes. I have an obsession with shoes. This is not uncommon for women, I know, but I feel I need to get this out in the open. shoeaholics anonymous style. You will see that pretty much the only thing I have that is “Vintage” Is a pair of black leather Amalfi boots from my dad’s mom. They are probably 15-20 years old (we think) but its hard to say. Anyway, my mom took them when my oma died, but we recently realized they are a bit small for her, so she gave them to me. I love them, and I’m sure they will pop up in many of my pictures on here, especially as the winter rolls around.
I struggle to find decent shopping in Calgary. Vancouver has main st. and west 4th and robson(ugh) and all sorts of other lovely little secrets. The market for clothing stores is competitive. Calgary has NONE of this. there is like half a block of decent, kind of different clothing stores, and then the big malls. Thats it. If anyone reads this and knows of something I’m not seeing in Calgary, please tell me! I need help.
As a result of the above ^^, I am become less fashion-conscious. I hate this. hatehatehate. I really need help to stay in touch.
alright, this post is getting WAY too long! I’ll quit now, before this gets ridiculous.
The Inaugural Blog Post
SO. My blog. I’m hoping it will be more about fashion and less about my life, but I imagine the two will end up blending together a bit. ANYWAY, who I am, and what my blog is.
I’m a Vancouverite, born and raised. I think I will always have Vancouver in my heart. That being said, I live in Calgary now. For some reason when I graduated from high school I thought I needed to leave Vancouver to gain some perspective, and what I’ve gained is this: I love Vancouver, and I never shoudl have left. Anyway, right now I go to the University of Calgary.
My blog. I love fashion blogs. LOVE THEM. But I am the kind of person who gets jealous really easily, and all the blogs I tend to read are about girls who have tons of money to spend on their clothes, or at the very least seem to be taking all the glamourous trips all over the place to shop. And the ones that do seem to be more average also have all these great vintage things. So here are my problems:
1) I have no money to buy chanel or fly to new York/Paris/Hong Kong.
2) I go to school all day and I work all night. WHEN am I supposed to find the time to shop find cute little hole-in-the-wall consignment stores and shop for incredible vintage finds?
3) I’m pretty out-of-the-loop. I try really hard to stay up-to-date with fashion trends, but when you have no money and no time, this becomes a struggle.
Ok. so thats why I’ve started this blog. I feel like it fills a bit of a niche for those of us with no time and no money. And I’m hoping to get advice that I can pass on to others through this, as well as to be able to pass on little bits and pieces of my own!
I’ll also start posting pictures of my favourite outfits, talking about my favourite products, and maybe even a few pictures of random outfits I see, sartorialist-style, haha. <— (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you NEED to find out. this is AMAZING. It will fill a hole in your fashion-loving heart, I promise … www.thesartorialist.com )
Ok. Thats my blog! here’s hoping it works out!
SO. My blog. I’m hoping it will be more about fashion and less about my life, but I imagine the two will end up blending together a bit. ANYWAY, who I am, and what my blog is.
I’m a Vancouverite, born and raised. I think I will always have Vancouver in my heart. That being said, I live in Calgary now. For some reason when I graduated from high school I thought I needed to leave Vancouver to gain some perspective, and what I’ve gained is this: I love Vancouver, and I never shoudl have left. Anyway, right now I go to the University of Calgary.
My blog. I love fashion blogs. LOVE THEM. But I am the kind of person who gets jealous really easily, and all the blogs I tend to read are about girls who have tons of money to spend on their clothes, or at the very least seem to be taking all the glamourous trips all over the place to shop. And the ones that do seem to be more average also have all these great vintage things. So here are my problems:
1) I have no money to buy chanel or fly to new York/Paris/Hong Kong.
2) I go to school all day and I work all night. WHEN am I supposed to find the time to shop find cute little hole-in-the-wall consignment stores and shop for incredible vintage finds?
3) I’m pretty out-of-the-loop. I try really hard to stay up-to-date with fashion trends, but when you have no money and no time, this becomes a struggle.
Ok. so thats why I’ve started this blog. I feel like it fills a bit of a niche for those of us with no time and no money. And I’m hoping to get advice that I can pass on to others through this, as well as to be able to pass on little bits and pieces of my own!
I’ll also start posting pictures of my favourite outfits, talking about my favourite products, and maybe even a few pictures of random outfits I see, sartorialist-style, haha. <— (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you NEED to find out. this is AMAZING. It will fill a hole in your fashion-loving heart, I promise … www.thesartorialist.com )
Ok. Thats my blog! here’s hoping it works out!
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