I love coral for summer. I am obsessed right now, I even bought a coral tee and a coral hoodie yesterday. So this is what brought me to coral nailpolish. I really wanted a nice coral last summer, and I thought I wanted something less pink (I'm not a huge pink person). So I got OPI on Collins ave, which is a very red, relatively dark coral, as you can see. I still really like this colour, but as coral became more prevalent this

summer, I decided that I wanted something a little bit more pink and a little bit lighter. This led me to Essie nailpolish. I love shopping for essie, because all the colours are so pretty. It reminds me of shopping for ballet slippers. SO the colour I picked was California coral. Sorry the pictures are a bit blurry. Ok, in terms of the nailpolish itself, I LOVED it. The brush is the perfect size, and not too round ( I hate that). with one coat you get a pretty nice just slightly sheer look. The colour also has no shimmer in it (I don't really like shimmery nailpolish). With two coats it was basically perfect. For me, the fewer coats the better, because I'm so impatient. I added an extra coat to a couple of nails, just because I have some ridges in them and the nailpolish settles in the grooves so it takes a bit more to get an even colour. Ok, now for the colour. I should say before I start that I do still like the colour. however I did have a bit of a problem, and that was that the colour looked lighter in the bottle than it did on my nails. It is still a beautiful colour (not sure if you

can tell, but I've already used it quite a few times). When I took this picture, it was really bright, so the colour is actually just slightly darker than this, and a little bit pinker that the picture lets on. I was a little disappointed with how dark it was, but as I got over my initial disappointment I fell in love with the colour. And in order to satisfy my need for something a little bit lighter, I have started investigating Essie's Tart Deco, which I will talk about another time. Anyway, I bought Essie at Shopper's Drug Mart for $9 CAD, but you can also get it on Amazon.com. I'm having trouble linking right now, but if you search "essie california coral" you'll find it!
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